Awyr Las | Blue Sky


Daughter walks 59,000 steps for Alaw Ward in memory of hero Dad

Over £2,000 has been raised for the Alaw Ward, by the grateful daughter of a former patient.

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Ania Jones, originally from Anglesey, but who now lives in Hawarden, set herself the challenge of walking 59,000 steps on what would have been her Dad’s 59th birthday. She walked around Hawarden and the Cheshire Sandstone Trial.

Keith Jones sadly passed away last April, 16 weeks after being diagnosed with lung cancer.

Unfortunately because of Covid restrictions at the time. Ania and her sisters were unable to visit him.

Ania said: “This donation is to all of the Alaw ward staff who helped take care of my Dad between December 2020 and April 2021.

“Covid meant we couldn’t spend time with Dad, so as a family we will always be grateful for the support and care he received.

“My Mam was a staff nurse on Alaw for 13 years, so she understood the stress and struggles the staff were under, and even more so during the time of the pandemic.

Mr Jones retired from North Wales Police at 50 after 30 years of service, and started a woodworking business calls Bocs-Boxes with his wife, Sian. They both lived in Llandegfan, Anglesey.

“Dad was a very special man and we miss him so much,” added Ania.

“I hope to raise money for Alaw Ward every year now, in memory of Dad and as a small thank you for the care and support the staff provided to him in our absence-we will always be grateful for their kindness.”

If you want to support Alaw Ward, why not sign up to the #TeamIrfon Pier to Pier swim? Sign up today!

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