Awyr Las | Blue Sky


Lockdown Monopoly Files

Here are the files and instructions for Julia & Giovanni's Lockdown Monopoly

Rydym yn aros am gyfieithiadau ar gyfer y cynnwys hwn


  • Print out the 4 sections of the board on A4 paper or card
  • Assemble the board using sellotape or glue
  • Print out the "Chance", "Community Chest" and "Value" cards on card or paper
  • Carefully cut out all the cards
  • Shuffle the "Community Chest" and "Chance" cards, then arrange in piles on the board
  • You're now ready to play!

Remember to share pictures of you and your family playing Lockdown Monopoly on Social Media - tag @awyrlascharity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


Julia & Giovanni

P.S. If you have any questions, please contact our friends in the Awyr Las Support Team:

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