Awyr Las | Blue Sky


Thank you to all the heroes in North Wales who have supported Keep The Beats!

Keep The Beats News

Thank you to all the heroes in North Wales who have supported Keep The Beats!

If you're inspired and would like to support Keep The Beats and help us save more lives then contact us for lots of fundraising ideas:

01248 384395

Criw Dydd Mawrth

A huge thank you to Criw Dydd Mawrth for donating £500 to Keep the Beats. This money is a fantastic donation that will benefit all those living in North Wales and will help us to improve our cardiac arrest survival rates. Diolch yn fawr iawn!

Caravan Cutters Ruthin

Thank you very much Caravan Cutters in Ruthin, and all the farmers who are supporting us. Keep up the good work!

Super Heroes checking their defib

What a fantastic group of Super Heroes, busy checking their community defibrillator and promoting CPR… Have YOU checked your community defibrillator recently to make sure it is in working order? If you have a problem with your defibrillator contact

Demonstrating what is inside an AED box

Thanks for showing us what’s in the box! When you dial 999, the ambulance operator will tell you were your nearest defibrillator is and, if needed, will also give you the key code to open it.

Rhos Street School

Rhos Street School, we thank you once again for interrupting your school day to help Keep The Beats make educational CPR videos, which we hope will help to save many lives in North Wales!

CPR demo in supermarket

Thank you for taking the time while out shopping today to have a go at CPR, a skill that only takes a few minutes to practice but could one day save a life! Send your CPR training pictures to and we will share them with the North Wales community.

Schools using defib

Does your school have a defibrillator? If not, Keep The Beats is working in partnership with the cardiac charity SADS UK who will help you get your fundraising started to buy one. They have lots of fundraising ideas and are passionate about helping all schools and communities in North Wales to get their own defibrillator, with just one goal... To save more lives. Contact them at

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