Awyr Las | Blue Sky


Meet some friends of Keep The Beats

Friends of Keep The Beats

Meet some friends of Keep The Beats


Anne and John Jolly from the Cardiac charity SADS UK have supported North Wales and its cardiac arrest project for the last 9 years, most recently financially supporting us to enable the recent appointment of a North Wales Community Public Access Defibrillator Support Officer. We are eternally grateful for their ongoing support. SADS UK website

  • Achub Calon Y Dyffryn

Achub Calon Y Dyffryn are a dedicated team of first responders and paramedics who volunteer their time to teach CPR and defibrillator training in our region, as well as offering advice and support to communities wishing to buy a community defibrillator. Keep the Beats is pleased to be able to support this fantastic voluntary team of NHS staff. Check them out on Facebook!

  • Mystery Graphic Designer

We would like to send heartfelt thanks to our fantastic graphic designer who wishes to remain anonymous but has offered valuable time free of charge to help brand “Keep The Beats” - we could not have done it without you. Thank you.

  • Victor Pennington, freelance scriptwriter and filmmaker

What a guy, he has brought keep the Beats alive and has helped us raise the profile of how important CPR and defibrillation is to our community’s by helping produce our fantastic videos. Victor we salute you. Victor's website

  • Rhos Street School Ruthin

Keep The Beats would like to shout out a very big THANK YOU To all the staff and pupils at Rhos Street School who have supported us time and again, with videos and requests for various props. You Rock, Rhos street! Rhos Street School website

  • Ruthin Panto

Keep The Beats wishes to thank Ruthin Panto for their time spent helping to create "Does CPR really work?" Thank you! Ruthin Panto website

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