Donations given through the charity help dedicated NHS staff in hospitals and in communities across North Wales to offer an enhanced healthcare service, offering patients and their families the very best care and treatment available.
The North Wales NHS charity, Awyr Las, provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. Gifts from the public make a huge difference to the care and treatment that our dedicated NHS staff are able to provide.
Awyr Las is the umbrella charity for over 400 charitable funds which together support every ward, unit, department, speciality and community project right across the area of North Wales which is served by the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
Most hospital wards, departments and community healthcare services have dedicated funds within the charity, enabling you to support the specific areas of the NHS that are closest to your heart.
The charity's priorities are selected by frontline nursing and medical staff.

Thanks to your support, Awyr Las funds state-of-the-art equipment and new facilities; extra staff training and world class research; special projects and additional services; complementary therapies and extra patient comforts which are all over and above what NHS funding can provide.
Since 2010 Awyr Las has funded over £25m of improvements to healthcare services across the region thanks to the generosity of local people, national Foundations and grateful patients from far and wide.
This support has made a real difference to the lives of patients and their families, because the charity’s priorities are decided by frontline nursing and medical staff who know what patients need to make their experiences in hospital and in the community much better. As the charity does not replace statutory NHS funding, your donations will genuinely improve the care available to local people in ways that would not otherwise be possible.
Here is the Charity's 10-year impact report, published in 2021.
For more information about the charity, please see Awyr Las’ strategic plan for 2016-21. Download it by clicking here.