Awyr Las | Blue Sky


Alaw Ward to appoint mental health nurse for the first time thanks to #TeamIrfon

Ysbyty Gwynedd’s Alaw Cancer Unit is to appoint a Mental Health Nurse to help patients and their families for the very first time, thanks to funding from #TeamIrfon.

Before Irfon Williams’s untimely death in 2017 from advanced bowel cancer, it was his cherished dream that Alaw Ward would have a dedicated Mental Health Nurse. Someone who can help patients and their families deal with their diagnosis, offer mental health assessment and support referral for more specialist intervention if required.

As a former mental health manager for BCUHB himself, Irfon understood how important mental health and wellbeing was to patients.

He launched the #TeamIrfon campaign following his diagnosis, and at the time of his death had raised an incredible £150,000 and became nationally known as a campaigner for cancer care.

Matron Cancer Division, Manon Williams, said: “My friend Irfon always wanted psychological care and support to be part and parcel of cancer care.

“The Mental Health Support Nurse will be an integral part of the Alaw team, and will be making ward rounds offering support to patients on the day unit.”

“The nurse will be able to signpost patients with more complex needs.

“The role will be advertised in the coming weeks, and we hope to appoint someone before Christmas.

“At first it will be for a two-year secondment and the staff are very excited that this long awaited dream is now to become a reality,” said Manon.

“I’d like to thank #TeamIrfon and Awyr Las for making this a reality, I know it will make a huge difference to our patients, their families and staff.”

Irfon’s widow and the mother of two of his children, Becky Williams, said: “I know first-hand that receiving a cancer diagnosis is a life-changing and emotional event for both patients and their families.

“From processing the news of a cancer diagnosis to navigating the plan of care, it is important that at each stage of the journey cancer patients focus on both their physical and mental health.

“I am therefore obviously delighted the #TeamIrfon Mental Health Nurse will be in post soon working as part of the multidisciplinary team on Alaw Ward to benefit patients and families locally. This post is thanks to the incredible people who continue to support and raise much needed funds for #TeamIrfon.”

If you would like to help support cancer patients at Ysbyty Gwynedd, you can donate to #TeamIrfon now by clicking here.

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