Investing in universal (accessible to all) interventions along with additional resources targeted at those most in need for vulnerable families works and is cost effective. Every £1 invested in early years returns £1.30 - £16.80.
Easter 2021: Invest in My Future
Invest in My Future
Help us find all the Easter eggs to support expectant mums and their babies across North Wales.
'Invest in My Future' is fundraising campaign across North Wales aimed at supporting and promoting the first 1,000 days of life (from conception to 2 years old).
We want expectant mums and their infants to be happy, healthy and well, both physically and mentally (State of Child Health: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - 2020) and by investing in and enhancing services, support and opportunities for mums, babies and families during the first 1,000 days of life we will be providing the best start for their future.
Why are the first 1,000 days of life so important?
The life chances and future health and wellbeing of our children are influenced by the circumstances and experiences they are exposed to from before birth and throughout their childhood. The first 1000 days, starting just before a baby is conceived, continuing during pregnancy and up to the age of two years are the most important.
Why do we need to raise money to support the first 1,000 days?
Pregnancy, birth and the early years are special times to nurture the health of our children and give them the foundations for a healthy life in the future (State of Child Health: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - 2020).

Some of the effective early child development interventions can include:
- Support to mothers before, during and after birth
- Breastfeeding and nutritional advice
- Parenting support
- Access to health services and childcare and to early education
Donating to help support the first 1,000 days will result in better health and wellbeing outcomes for mothers and babies and will promote equality, supporting the families and communities that need it the most.
In North Wales, on average 6,600 babies are born each year, we want to give every child the best start in life for their future. Thank you for your support.